Saturday, June 12, 2010
A bit too soon

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Unfinished Beardness
The answer, is in the beards. We've watched Hall of Fame goaltenders get beat, we've seen a comeback for the ages, we've beat the team that slain the giants.
Here we stand, June 9th - Still Bearded.
What is my beard saying today?
- Dancin' Shawny
(Donate today!)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
But Ville Leino did have a beard
Like Leino on the ice, my beard has been everywhere. ABC, CBS, FOX, NE Philly, South Philly, New Jersey, Delaware, it's insane!
So all those appearances will have to make up for the fact that my webcam's not working right now so I can only use a crappy cell phone pic for today's update.
And DONATE already! The Stanley Cup Finals is tied 2-2 so time is running out to be apart of the Beard-a-Thon campaign!
Photo Update:

My nephew RJ is almost 2 years old, so he's not often able to stay awake through the whole game. So my brother usually watches the games again the next day with him so RJ can experience the games.
Well as this video will show, RJ had quite the reaction to Claude Giroux's Game 3 OT winner:
"They did it! They did it!"
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Bearding is believing
I was asked by a reporter today why I grow a playoff beard. And while I'm not a player or a member of the organization, you start to feel like one when you join the cause and ditch the razor.
Also, the chance to help out Flyers Charities in their efforts to help others is a no-brainer. I'm lucky enough to have people cheer when I'm at the game. They take the tiny bit of enjoyment they get from seeing me and turn it into enthusiasm for the team. It's a great feeling that can't be taken away, even from the most obnoxious and misinformed of haters. All I can do is try to take the opportunity I have and make it last through my efforts raising money and spreading smiles.
There is still time to donate and anyone who has been reading this blog and hasn't donated yet, I ask that you please consider giving even the smallest amount so that you can be apart of all the greatness that is the Flyers fan base.
We can do more than just be the 7th man for our Flyers.
- Dancin' Shawny
Monday, May 31, 2010
And I'd gladly stand up, and grow a beard
Game 2 (electric boogaloo) tonight in Chicago after a wild Game 1 affair. The Flyers need to refocus and play their game for 60 minutes.
As for the beard, it's itching to make an appearance at home after a series split. But it's also to get a little support and break the $500 wall we've hit.
Flyers fans, this playoff run has been amazing so far with a different guy stepping up time after time.
So as in the Flyers quest, my goal to raise money for Flyers Charities has come down to this question:
Who's gonna be the next person to step up?
Do your part and donate today!
(Photo Update later - for now here's a nice ad!)

- Dancin' Shawny
(Follow me on Twitter)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The Stanley Cup Finals begin....TONIGHT!
It all begins TONIGHT!
The playoff beard has never been better than this. Continue its growth, continue our run, with your donation now!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Media's gone crazy!
Edit: Got bumped for breaking news. Could air tomorrow. Fair enough!
However, NBC 10 is airing a commercial that features me. Except, it's the me from over a year ago! Beardless! Jeez!
Don't worry, the beard is still growing strong and still awaits your donations!

-Dancin' Shawny
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The only beards left from the Eastern Conference
But just like the $500 raised so far by my beard, that's just not enough.
You've had three rounds to donate, and I have NO IDEA what you're waiting for, but it's time for the final round of donations.
Banding together like the hairs on my face to form one united front, your donation will raise our total in the overall Beard-a-thon standings.
And if there is anything you've learned from watching this playoff series. It's that it takes a 100% effort to come out on top! Where's yours?
- Dancin' Shawny
(Follow me on Twitter!)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Still going for the ultimate goal
For weeks now I've been asking you to donate. If you haven't already, there's no more time to waste. Get your donation in now and dive 100% into this Playoff Run!
NOW is the time for all of us to come together! It takes every person giving their all to accomplish the ultimate goal.
NOW is the time to dig deep for Flyers Charities, the extra effort to spread joy all around.
NOW is the time......
......to be RELENTLESS!
Photo Update:
- Dancin' Shawny
(Follow me on Twitter, then donate!)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Good Day Philadelphia!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Our offense is everywhere, our defense is everywhere, the beard is everywhere
It's only been on Versus and ESPN's SportsCenter. And tomorrow it will be featured on FOX's Good Day Philadelphia. In addition it's going to help me host a Game 3 viewing party at PJ Whelihan's in Cherry Hill, NJ!
So not only should you DONATE, you should check out the beard on TV (if you haven't already) or come SEE IT IN PERSON at the viewing party!
I'll be taking donations at PJ's, but it would be really awesome if you could just go DONATE at Beard-a-thon right now. The time is now to pledge your support as the playoff run continues.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Gotta maintain
Now for some of you, you were able to see it on TV and be like, I support that! What if the beard gets on TV again tonight? Can you say the same?
A couple thoughts about the beard:
Sometimes the beard looks glorious. It looks unbelievably thick, powerful, and all-covering.
It looks like nothing can take it down.
But that doesn't mean we can settle. Every night you have to brush it, condition it. You need to make sure the beard is always at the top of it's game!
Remember, I'm talking about the beard here.
Photo Update:

(Follow me on Twitter)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Wrap a tie around your head, it's STILL on
We keep on growing as we head into the Eastern Conference Finals against Montreal. This time around, home ice.
So that means the beard has to make a quick turnaround and bring it tonight to the 20,000 loud and proud Wachovia Center. And it's tingling with anticipation.
However, it could really use your donations. As we all know we'll never give up, but sometimes you just need a spark to get things going again. And while my beard can't rely on a big save, key timeout, or clutch goal, it can ask for your donations to help Flyers Charities.
So before Round 3 at the Center, or at the bar, or at your buddies house; wherever you've been dropping dollars this playoffs, stop on over at Beard-a-Thon and throw a couple bucks towards a great cause!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Determination Beards Champions
Game 7.
Looking into the mirror this morning and the playoff beard is a sign of the dedication and sacrifice. For over a month now, the beard has been growing stronger, and it's ready to take another step and keep on growing.
Let's build all the karma we can: Donate today.

- Dancin' Shawny
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Oh no, not I
The Flyers keep going, the beard keeps growing.
Now we just need the donation total to get going again!
The beard is relentlessly taking over, it’s big, it’s fierce, and it’s almost unstoppable.
If it gets any bigger it might get its own twitter account.
It’s such a stable force on my face, Darren Dreger has reported it’s rumored to be buying the Phoenix Coyotes.
At last count it’s the equivalent of 68 of Carcillo’s mustache.
I mean, it has its own blog!
JvR calls my beard “sir”.
I’ve gotten several reports it can be seen as a beacon from different sections in the Wachovia Center.
Coatesy complains it gets in the way from, “looking right over his shoulder.”
If it looks any better, Philly Phaithful might have to add a beard to this.
It soaks up beer better than a kitchen sponge!
It actually intimidated Chris Pronger into revealing his childhood secret.
It looks so ridiculous John Boruk wants a suit like it.
It represents hockey so much, ESPN is ignoring it.
It’s such a classic Doc Emrick has been reminded of a 4 minute long story about a player in the early ECHL days.
It is such a beauty that it has already raised $430.00, and now is your time to raise that total!
Photo Update:
-Dancin' Shawny
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I’m not gonna be a GOAT-ee
That’s why we compete.
Even if it’s good natured competition for charity.
So I’m asking you to help keep the competitive fires going with your donation. Any little bit helps. Kinda like finishing a check, you never quite know how that’ll factor in later.
Photo Update: (I'll rotate it later, haha)
-Dancin' Shawny
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
This beard says energy, but this beard says experience
Things have been very busy around here lately, and sort of like Boucher on turn around shots, I’m just not getting the job done.
With that said, it’s acceptable for a Beard Blogger, not for a hockey team.
But if we both start today, and hit it hard, we can still do this thing.
For me, it’s getting you to DONATE! My beard is at full coverage, with a little hint of gray in there to show you not only does it mean business. But it’s been meanin’ business for years now!
I’d really like to go into Game 3 with some momentum, and it looks like it’s going to be up to you, the donaters (yeah I made up a word) to make it happen.
Whatta you say Flyers fans…..we’ve hit a bit of trouble, are we going to pack in it with a pack of razors…..
……or come back RELENTLESS!
Donate today!
Photo Update:

- Dancin' Shawny
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Getting set for Round 2 (Electric Boogaloo)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Enough off days, cause my beard's full on!
However, I'm ready to get back to hockey, and I hope you're ready to get back to donating! I'm currently in 3rd place on the leaderboard and as we get ready for Round 2 I'm ready to throw it into high gear!
Here's how you can help - I understand money is tough all around (please keep reading), so what I'm asking is to ask your co-workers, friends, etc. Link them to the blog, tell them about the causes (Breast Cancer Research, Children's charities, and many more in OUR area), show them my photos, show them my YouTube videos!
You buy their kids cookies, sponsor their walk-a-thons, and give soup to their homeless. Why can't they help support a guy growing a beard for charity? :-)
But seriously, I'd love to show how much passion the Flyers Community has by trying to match my Round 1 donation total of over $400! Let's show why we're not only the Most Intimidating Fans in Hockey, but just as supportive outside of hockey as well. (Plus we can't let any of those other clubs raise more money than us?)
Let's RELENTLESSly raise money! Pledge my beard today!
(Photo update later!)
-Dancin' Shawny
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Kinda like the Flyers themselves, now's the time to hop on board and enjoy. Donate today so when Game 3 of the Second Round comes, you can find me down at the Wachovia Center, point to the many, many hairs on my chin, and get amped up knowing you kept the Playoff Beard going, and helped many people along the way!
Maybe you're tired of hearing me ask for donations. So let me give a special shout-out to a blog that shouted me out (it's a dual shout-out):
There's some very good stuff on that blog as well, so make sure you check us both out throughout this year's playoffs!
(Do you have a blog? Did you mention my Beard-a-Thon campaign or this blog? Let me know!)

Yeah, I'm apparently also starting a
bad haircut playoff tradition.
-Dancin' Shawny
(Let's go for 2nd Place!)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Grow Flyers, Grow Flyers, GROW!
For your viewing pleasure, my beard took a trip to entertain some local students!
See the clip below from CBS 3 (ignore the guy at the end who tries to talk about the nfl draft..LAME!)
Special Thanks to those at St. Christopher's for inviting me out to help them get Flyer'd Up!
-Dancin' Shawny
(Every word is a different link!)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My Mother Vs. My Girlfriend - The Beard Debate
Yet every year at playoff time I'm reminded, that there is one person in my life that HATES beards. And she let's me know, multiple times a day. Luckily for me, I have a very important person in my corner who is Pro-beard!
But every playoff season, I have to hear this debate. So I asked them to write up a short piece to share with you (philly)phaithful Beard Blog readers. Enjoy!
Why I Hate the Beard
By: Shawny’s Mom
Hate the beard Shawn! I am glad the Flyers made the playoffs, but now I have to look at my son with this ugly beard. Every day I see the beard growing more. It seems to grow out, rather than longer. It is crawling down his neck and up his face. I think it looks horrible. It is coarse and thick and takes away from his beautiful blue eyes. He is 24 years old, but now looks like he is pushing 30, with all this hair on his face.
I know it is for a good cause, to raise money for Flyers Charities, but this beard takes away his boyish looks. Help, my son looks like a mountain man!! I can only wonder how the Flyers mothers feel watching their pride and joy on the ice, covered with facial hair, hiding the face they love. I’m hoping the Flyers win them all in a row these playoffs, so all this ugly hair can disappear.
Why I Love the Beard
By: Missle (Shawny's Girlfriend)
No matter who you agree with, both would like to ask you to donate, because helping out a great cause is always a favorite!
-Dancin' Shawny
(Hittin' up the Twitter tonight for Game 5!)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Maaaa beard, got the ill communication
But while the injury front would be a receding hairline, the rest of the team is a full steam ahead of facial growth. Which leads me nicely back into......Playoff Beards!
It looks like we'll get to see the debuts of Ville Leino's and David Laliberte playoffs beards and I'm expecting big things. I remember Laliberte from my time at the Phantoms being able to get great coverage. (Though as much as I'm down with Laliberte, my friend Riley should really get a chance for playoff action. Yeah, I said it.)
Last night the beard and I had to endure a full TV timeout worth of dancing, but it was all worth it to give a little extra face time to convince you that THIS is the beard to pledge this playoff year. It's starting to get nice and thick and soon will be in the minor leagues of "bushy" status. (Minor league of Bush League? Is that even possible?)
And while the play of late seemingly supports the notion that there will be more time to donate, why wait? Get on board early! Like everyone who already owns a Giroux jersey you could be part of the growing movement!
(I love how this is turning into a pun filled lounge comedian act)
Tomorrow I hope to have a fun little Point-Counterpoint featuring two important people to my life. It'll give a little glimpse at what I deal with come playoff time.
Until then all that's left to do is GROW DONATE! (One more pun for the road)
Photo time: (Goofy Edition)

(Don't do this with your wristband. Donate instead!)
-Dancin' Shawny
(Which one is which)
[Edit: Slipped to third place in the leaderboard! Time to Donate!]
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Chin up! Things get hairy sometimes!
Except when it come to donations. We've stalled. I haven't had a donation in a couple days, and while times are tough, I'm hoping someone will dig deep and give a little for charity.
And just to remind people, I don't get anything out of this except an awesome beard and the pleasure of helping others.
Here's where your money is going (via Flyers Charities website).
"The money raised during fundraising initiatives has helped the Foundation assist many local beneficiaries such as, but not limited to: Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis & Education Center, Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation, YMCA, Philadelphia Youth Network, Firefly Literacy Fund, Virtua Foundation, Penn Hospice at Rittenhouse, Foundation for Melanoma Research, and Living Beyond Breast Cancer."
As much as I try to have fun here, I want to make sure the cause isn't lost.
Anyway, as we hit Game 4 tonight we're going to start seeing good growth on just about everyone growing beards. Haven't really seen a good leading candidate yet, unless you count Scott Hartnell, but I haven't really seen him around. Maybe that'll change tonight.
Tonight I plan to to a little Shampoo dance move, making sure to lather up the beard as well! Be on the lookout for it!
Also that contest, I talked about a couple posts earlier, it's almost done, stay tuned! (If you donate now you'll be automatically entered)
Photo Update:

It's hitting it's stride.
-Dancin' Shawny
(You know about Twitter...try Facebook!)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Better Beard-lieve it
Great game last night and my beard and I were on the edge of our seat the whole game!
Speaking of, my beard made it's home debut to rave reviews, but no donations! It was even featured at the Beard-A-Thon stand in the Wachovia Center! But I'm not going to let it deter me, I know I have quality growth and have faith in the fan base that pushed the Flyers to victory last night.
So Flyers Fans I'm asking you, let's keep this momentum going! Please pledge my beard in the Flyers Bears-A-Thon !
Right now, I still stand in second place behind Mr. Luukko. (Read my previous post on why you should help me get back into first!)
As for the beard blog, been a bunch of quick posts so far, so we'll have some fun posts coming up this week. I have some guest posters coming up as well such as my girlfriend and Mother in an epic debate! I've also asked Glen Macnow of 610WIP and Jeff Marek of HNIC Radio for some beard related posts, and they both, well, haven't responded to me asking. So I'll ask some more people!
Here's today's update......PLEASE DONANTE!

-Dancin' Shawny
(Check ze Tweets!)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
This beard is Ready to Rock!
And if you see ol' $1000 Luukko, tell him my beard's coming for him!
Most importantly...
- Dancin' Shawny
(Tweet Tweet)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
It's on Luukko!
I'm asking you, Flyers Fans, pledge my beard and don't let Peter Luukko win! Donate to my beard, the beard that represents the fans! Every hair on my face represents every orange clad screaming fan!
This beard yells at the refs and boos the opponent. This beard would keep the Spectrum open and the Phantoms in Philadelphia. This beard knows that the War Room in Toronto is bias. This beard would never make you pay $15 dollars to park your car. This beard would do whatever it could to save the league from Gary Bettman. This beard rocks the party that rocks the body. This beard is ready to be loud ALL GAME come Sunday.
So please, donate whatever you can the Flyers Fan beard. Let's close the gap on Luukko!

Broad Street Beardy
-Dancin' Shawny
(More updates on Twitter!)
P.S. I forgot to mention. Every dollar that both Peter Luukko and I raise goes to Flyers Charities, so every dollar is a for a great cause no matter who's specific beard gets the money. I still think you should pledge mine, but I applaud Peter and his work for charity and he deserves your kudos for that effort.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Growing stronger!
Here are some reasons why you should donate!
1) You can't grow a beard - Work won't let you, girlfriend hates it, your a defenseman from Lativa; whatever the excuse may be, show your support by supporting my beard!
2) It's almost the opposite of a walk-a-thon - I love the opportunity to help out others by raising money, but sometimes you have to do things like walk 5 miles. This, just watch my beard grow!
3) Our collective efforts are on display! - I said last year that pledging my beard is like buying stock in it, when I'm dancing on the big screen, and you see my beard, you can say, "Hey! I'm part of that beard!"
4) You can do it for a $1 a day - One of the cool things about the Beard-A-Thon is that you can donate $1 for everyday the Flyers are in the playoffs! It's a great way to not only show faith in beard, but in the Flyers!
5) I'm going to come up with a contest - If you donate, you may win something. Details as I get them.
That's 5 good reasons to donate and there are at least a couple more!
Stay tuned to the Beard Blog! Next week I'm hoping to have some guest posters give their input and as always, please go donate to the Beard-A-Thon and pledge my beard for Flyers Charities!
The Beard Update:

-Dancin' Shawny
(Follow me on Twitter for all sorts of fun tweets!)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I've got the itch, for hockey!
TONIGHT it begins. The hairs on my face are standing in full anticipation for tonights opening game. It's a special time of year, my favorite time of year (except the weather, I miss the snow) and tonight the previous 82 games don't matter.
Beard wise we'll get to see the growth of some of our favorites. Briere's smooth stubble, Giroux's red wonder, and actual growth on Gagne! Remember 10 YEARS AGO and when Gags was 20 and it was hilarious watching him try to grow one? I'm also interested to see Lappy and DP's beards which I hope are as classic as they are. And will Downshall (Carcillo for those not familiar) keep rockin' the stache or will he go full growth?
Anyway, let's not forget, the beard show dedication, commitment, and sacrifice. So please visit https://www.beardathon.com/flyers/DancingShawny/profile.aspx and donate. It's for a great cause. So far I've got $0! Yeah, that's embarrassing. But it also gives an opportunity for someone to be the first one to donate and get the ball rolling!
My goal for today, at least is $20 before the puck drop tonight!
Picture Update:

-Dancin' Shawny
(Follow me on Twitter!)
Edit: There is some confusion I think. At the pledge page, put in Shawny Hill not Dancing Shawny. Like the pic below: